The age of the quantum internet is upon us

The road to the realization of the quantum internet is now open as Dutch researchers announced that they have created the first multi-node quantum network, which can connect three quantum processors together.

Unlike today's internet, which carries information in the form of 0 or 1 bits, the future quantum internet will use quantum bits that are both 0 and 1, which will dramatically increase its computing power. At the same time, the researchers of the QuTech consortium and the Delft University of Technology, according to a related publication in the journal "Science", aim to gradually add more quantum bits to their network, as well as a higher level of hardware and software "layers".

Researcher Matteo Pombili states: "A quantum network will open up a range of new applications, from hacker-proof communications and cloud computing to full protection of user privacy and highly accurate timekeeping. And - as with the Internet 40 years ago - there will probably be many applications that today we cannot predict."

The goal of the quantum internet is to be able to connect any two quantum devices, such as computers or sensors, over long distances. However, the first step was taken last decade by connecting two quantum devices through a direct physical connection.

The big achievement of the Dutch researchers is that they connected two quantum processors, not directly to each other, but through an intermediate node, while achieving quantum entanglement between multiple individual quantum processors. The first test of this quantum network outside the lab, on existing telecommunications networks, is planned to be implemented by the end of 2022.
